Tests for hepatitis B


Acute hepatitis B


Finding hepatitis B early means you can get any treatment that you need. This makes a big difference to the chance of getting serious liver disease or cancer.

To check for hepatitis B, your blood is tested for several things. Usually all the tests can be done on the same sample of blood.

You can get a free test from your GP. If you don’t have a GP you can get a test at your local sexual health (GUM) clinic. It’s important to be clear that you would like to have a hepatitis B test, not general tests for liver health.

If you can, take someone with you to get your test results. They can help you remember things the doctor said as well as being there to support you.


On this page:

Who should get tested for hepatitis B?

What do hepatitis B tests look for?

What happens if I have chronic hepatitis B?

What happens if I have acute hepatitis B?