Just diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B




Being diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B can be a big shock. You might have lots of questions or you might feel overwhelmed. There is no right or wrong way to react.

However you feel, the British Liver Trust are here for you. We have information, a nurse helpline, support groups and an online community. You can find out more about our support services on this page.

Chronic hepatitis B is usually a lifelong condition. You will need regular check-ups and you might need treatment. When hepatitis B is under control, it’s unlikely to cause serious health problems.

This page has information and advice about things you can do. This can help you feel more in control of what is happening.


Dick lives with chronic hepatitis B:

While you may have hepatitis B for life, it is not a life sentence. Don’t let it define you.


On this page:

Seeing a hospital specialist

Telling people

Testing and vaccines for people you are close to

Eat well and look after your liver

Find trustworthy sources of information