New liver cancer factsheet for liver patients

Posted on: 20th October 2020

For Liver Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve launched a new liver cancer factsheet for liver patients and their loved ones.

The factsheet outlines the care you should expect if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with liver cancer, or if you’re undergoing tests for the disease. It includes questions you might like to ask your medical team at each stage, from symptoms and surveillance, through to treatment, diagnosis and follow-on care.

As with any cancer, no patient’s journey will be exactly the same. There are different types of tumour and different types of treatment, and your doctor or specialist healthcare team will always be the best people to answer any questions you have. However, it can be difficult to know what to ask – especially when you’re feeling anxious or don’t quite know what to expect.

We hope that this factsheet will empower patients to ask their medical team the right questions and act as a useful resource at a difficult time.

Liver cancer and Covid-19

If you or a loved one has liver cancer, you are likely to be very worried about the impact of Covid-19. We know that during the Covid-19 pandemic, some liver cancer patients are unfortunately not receiving the levels of care that they should. The factsheet outlines the care you should expect to receive and what to do if your health or treatment might be impacted by the pandemic. You can also find up-to-date information about Covid-19 and liver cancer here.

We hope you find this factsheet helpful. If you’d like more information about liver cancer, please visit our liver cancer webpages. For a more general chat about your symptoms or treatment for any liver condition, you might like to contact our team of liver nurses.