It’s time to talk about Organ Donation

Posted on: 26th July 2016

The British Liver Trust supports the #DonationConverstion campaign, a major new campaign led by 15 of the leading organ donor and transplantation charities, who have all come together to encourage the nation to talk about organ donation under the banner of “Have the Donation Conversation”.

The UK has one of the lowest rates in Europe for families supporting organ donation and in 2014/15 only 57% agreed to donate their family members’ organs after they died.  On average 43% of relatives refuse permission for organ donation to take place.  Since 2010 this has meant more than 1,200 people missing out on a potentially lifesaving transplant.  In the last five years over 500 families have said no to donation despite their relative being on the organ donor register.

The partner charities are aiming to increase the family consent rate from 57% to 80% by 2020, by asking everyone to “have the Donation Conversation”:

Are you on the Organ Donor register?  Do your loved ones know your wishes to be an organ donor?

Individuals may feel their decision to register as an organ donor is a private matter that does not require discussion with family members.  For many people having this discussion with loved ones can be difficult to raise, so the campaign have produced some tips which they hope will help people start the conversation so their wishes are well known.

The campaign message is simple – tell your loved ones that you want to donate.  Have the organ Donation Conversation.  If you are not already on the Organ Donor register click the link to sign up today. 

See the list of all charities that are supporting this campaign.

For more information and to read some case studies of those who have had a life saving transplant or have said yes to donating their loved ones organs visit the website