Thank you to everyone who supported our Big Give Christmas Challenge appeal

Posted on: 7th December 2023

Over the last week, we once again took part in the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge – our challenge this year was to raise £30,000, which would then be match funded and doubled by the Big Give.

Thanks to your incredible generosity, we are thrilled to announce we have exceeded our Big Give Christmas Challenge fundraising target of £60,000, with a final total of £61,874. With Gift Aid included, this total increases again to £65,474!

Thank you again to everyone who supported our campaign, making hugely generous donations or by sharing the appeal with friends, family and colleagues, or through their social media networks.

Last year the campaign funded our new Love Your Liver unit. We purchased, fitted out and launched our wonderful new unit early in 2023, and since then have visited locations all over the country, witnessing a real transformation in the delivery of our events. Queues outside the unit have become the norm and the number of people scanned has consistently exceeded previous events, averaging over 100 individuals a day. Thanks to our very clear signage and the open and welcoming design, many more people are now coming up to the unit to ask questions about their liver health and have a free liver health check.

This year’s Big Give campaign success will help us to fund Love Your Liver events in 2024, allowing us to raise more awareness of liver health, and identify people at risk of liver disease while there is time for damage to be halted or even reversed.

A thank you from Jonathan, our Director of Service Delivery:

Thank you again for your amazing support. We have a lot of work to do in 2024, but knowing we now have these funds in place to support our Love Your Liver roadshows will make a hugely positive difference on the road ahead.