Managing anxiety when you’re diagnosed with a liver condition

Posted on: 19th May 2023

Receiving a diagnosis of liver disease or liver cancer can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. It's natural to feel anxious, as the uncertainty surrounding your condition can take its toll on your mental health. In this blog post, Rebecca, our wonderful nurse manager, shares some strategies to help you navigate anxiety and cultivate a sense of peace on your journey to recovery.

Knowledge is power

One of the first steps in managing anxiety is to find out about your condition, what to expect following your diagnosis and the treatment options available. Having a understanding of your condition you can provide you with a sense of control over your situation. Remember it’s important to consult trusted sources of information.  As well as your healthcare provider, you can access the information on our website or speak to one of us on the helpline.

Share your worries and concerns

Seeking support and communicating openly with your family, friends and healthcare provider can help alleviate the anxiety you may feel about your diagnosis, treatment options and possible outcomes.  You may also benefit from joining a support group where you can connect with other patients, where you can share experiences, gain valuable insights, and receive emotional encouragement from others facing similar challenges.

Practice Self-Care

When you are living with a health condition, it can be all-consuming so it’s important to take time to rest and enjoy activities that help you relax.  This may include practicing mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies and interests that bring you joy. Prioritise self-care as an integral part of your daily routine, allowing yourself time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy balanced diet is not only helpful for our physical health but also has major benefits on our mental health. Foods high in vitamins, protein and minerals can help to keep your brain healthy.  Read more on our diet pages.

Keeping fit and active has many health benefits but also plays a huge role in keeping managing our mood. Exercise helps to reduce stress, improve sleep patterns, increases our self-esteem and also fights off long lasting feelings of low mood.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and with the right tools and support, you can navigate the emotional challenges.