Hepatitis E and pregnancy

Pregnancy does not seem to increase the risk from the type of hepatitis E (type 3) that is most common in the UK. Around the world, there have only been a few cases of type 3 hepatitis E in pregnancy.

Find out about the different types of hepatitis E here.

In other parts of the world, hepatitis E can be a very serious problem in pregnancy. Especially if it is picked up in the last 3 months of pregnancy (third trimester).

Type 1 hepatitis E is common in parts of Asia, Africa and South America. It can be very dangerous during pregnancy and can lead to liver failure and even death. It can also be passed on to the baby and increases the risk of miscarriage, still birth and premature birth.

If you are pregnant, and you are travelling to an area where hepatitis type 1 or 2 are common you should take action to avoid picking up the virus. Make sure you wash your hands well before eating and only drink bottled water.

Find out more about reducing your risk of getting hepatitis E here.

If you think there is any risk you could have picked up hepatitis E you should see a doctor as soon as possible for a test.