Problems in other parts of your body linked to hepatitis E

 There is now some evidence that hepatitis E can cause problems in other parts of your body, as well as in your liver. These problems are called “extrahepatic manifestations”.

They are very rare. For some of them there have only been a few known cases in the world. They usually affect people who are not immunosuppressed. But there have also been some cases in people who are immunosuppressed and have acute or chronic hepatitis E.

Because these conditions are so rare, it is not clear for all of them if hepatitis E actually causes them. But there seems to be a link.

These problems are most often found to affect nerves, kidneys or blood.

You can find basic information about the most common ones on this page. There are also links to the NHS website for more information.

Speak to your doctor if you have or have recently had hepatitis E and you have any symptoms of these problems.


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